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Mind inside the Mind

Have you ever wonder how our mind work?

Do you think it's possible for us to understand on how our mind work?

Wikipedia definition of the mind is the set of cognitive faculties including consciousness, imagination, perception, thinking, judgement, language and memory, which is housed in the brain (sometimes including the central nervous system). It is usually defined as the faculty of an entity's thoughts and consciousness.

It's another reflective blog, and I would like to discuss how my mind was work yesterday. Yesterday when I was reading on Jesus who has saved Mary Magdalene from the stoning, I was touched. I have read and hear this verses so many times since I was kid, and this was the first time I want to cry when I read this story. I have perceived some profound lessons from the event which I never ever think before, and this makes me wonder on how much is my mind and my emotion are playing big roles in my everyday life.

The first chapter from the book Seven Habit of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey also talk about the perception, and how persuasive and fickle it is. Our mind dictates who we are, books like the secret or movie like the beautiful mind and split also supporting this idea.

Our mind's work is a wonder, the mind is very capable in everything. If we want to success it has to be started by believing ourselves that we are success, this mean the mind has to ordering our mind to believe we success for us to be success, it is the mind inside the mind. I personally think it is impossible for us to understand on how our mind work. The moment we think we have understand our mind is because our mind deceiving us and want us to believe that we are the master of our mind. So, can we trust our mind? Can we trust ourselves? 

We are our mind, we and our mind are one entity. There is no we and there is no mind can exist by itself. I don't think I will ever understand on how the mind work, this means I also will never be able to fully understand myself. I have many emotional experiences which I still could not understand and explain. It is because our mind is so fathomless shaped consciously and unconsciously by so many life events, religion, people, books, and natures. Our mind is the real force of our life, so strong and so powerful. Therefore, we should mind our mind with many good and positive things in any kind of situations. If we surrounded by unfortunate event, we ought to choose to see the bright side of it to be able turn it around.

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