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For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
Matthew 16:25

One of the thing I notice from working in the pharmacy industry is that majority of the people are afraid of death or avoid death. People treat birth as a joyous event and death as a dismal occasion.

In my perspective, death is something that all of us need to celebrate and rejoice. We should have the same attitude for death and birth, birth and death only happen once in our earthly lifetime. Birth is the event when a being start their journey (the joy and the suffering), death is the event when a being stop, rest, and return to the almighty as a winner or loser.

During this Coronavirus outbreak 2020, people are desperately practicing hygiene suddenly. They care so much for they own wellbeing with little care of other. Currently, the number one selling items at the pharmacies are antibacterials, hand sanitizer, alcohol, and masks. One person will buy the whole masks, sanitizer and wipes even though the store has put limit on the items a person can buy. 

I don't understand why people want to prolong their life on earth. The earth is a beautiful place but not that beautiful for us to fight the death at the expense of other beings, and not that beautiful for us to blub and try to hold on so hard to a dying person. So let's us rejoice the deaths as we rejoice the newborns.

For what is life? To me, it is Christ. Death, then, will bring more. 
Phillipians 1:21

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